Hike to Roque Bermejo

On my first day on the island, the weather was not favorable. The plan was to hike to Roque Bermejo but heavy rains had started early in the morning. “The weather changes very quickly from one part of the island to the other “ said the enthusiastic team. So we drove there anyway…

After having crossed the beautiful «horizontal rain forest” passing through thick clouds, we finally found the sun to start hiking!

We started at the very nice village of Chamorga, which is already disconnected from everything.

The path in the mountain is very beautiful. We saw a lot of the canarian vegetation and at the crest, the little “drago” was waiting for us.  It’s a great place to learn plenty of things about plants and geology. The team is ready to teach everything they know about their island. They are full of knowledges and really good at sharing them.

The hike is quite easy and offers a succession of different and impressive views. The closer you get to the sea, the better is the landscape. On our way we met some cultural architectures like the lighthouse of Anaga and some chapels.


Once you get to «el pueblo de Roque Bermejo» on the other side of the mountain you can appreciate views and take a bath in the beautiful ocean.

On the way back we hiked up the ravine and saw other kinds of amazing landscapes and vegetation. It is beautiful how many diverse things you can see in a very short time! At the end of the trip, we followed the sign «se vende queso» and we ended up in the cave of Domingo. Such a caring person! I experienced full immersion into the local culture of Tenerife. «No cheese today»,he said and offered us some beers instead, sharing his life experiences with us.

This trip was a great experience. A beautiful way to discover the island in detail with the eyes of those who live there, who know about their environment and are passionate to share it with other!

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